“AFJ has been a very good support system to my family and me. AFJ made sure we all had food and supplies especially when there was barely anything in the store. I really appreciate the help especially during this pandemic.” – Maya, Avenues for Justice Participant
This year, Avenues for Justice (AFJ) is celebrating 45 years of providing second chances. We have supported young people in New York City, keeping them out of prison through our ongoing court advocacy and our wraparound HIRE UP programs for job readiness, education, and mental health wellness. At a time when the effectiveness of alternative-to-incarceration (ATI) programs is being debated, our model has achieved some of the lowest recidivism rates in the country for decades.
To continue this vital work, we need your help. Your donation and/or purchase from our Amazon list directly supports our Participants, providing them with the services and supplies necessary to build successful lives. Please consider contributing today to make a tangible difference in their futures.
94% of AFJ Participants are not reconvicted of a new crime within three years of enrolling in our program because we equip our Participants with the tools to succeed academically and attain employment. And while New York State pays approximately $500,000 to house a young person in the state’s juvenile facilities, it only costs $6,300 to provide a Participant with a full year of services at Avenues for Justice.
What we do: We currently serve over 500+ Court-involved and At-Risk Participants annually across New York City, ages 13 - 24. Services for our Participants are provided online and onsite at AFJ’s two community centers in Harlem and the Lower East Side and AFJ’s headquarters inside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse. Court-Involved Participants receive free court advocacy services with intensive case management. AFJ also provides referrals to third-party specialists for all Participants when needed.
Additionally, all Participants receive HIRE UP services, which include job readiness and certification, teen empowerment and legal rights, life skills training, mental and physical health wellness, academic/educational support, and tutoring. Since launching HIRE Up in 2020, we have seen a remarkable increase in Participants finding and retaining jobs. Of the 259 Participants who received job readiness and workforce development training in 2023, 74 Participants gained employment, 78% attended at least one HIRE Up workshop, and 52 were still employed at the end of the year.