Judy Karasik's Fundraiser

Consider Avenues for Justice for your holiday giving: See AfJ on PBS Newshour:
AFJ's crime prevention program for youth makes a humane, measurable difference -- Join me in supporting them.
Lots of programs WISH they could help young people of color from under-resourced communities --AfJ DOES IT. I believe deeply in Avenues for Justice's EFFICACY and HUMANITY. I've given to AfJ -- both in financial donations and in the gift of my time writing for them --and now I'm asking you to give as well.
AfJ works with court-involved young people -- and gets results -- helping them to truly turn their lives around. Only 5% of AFJ’s participants recidivate within three years -- while, according to PBS, the average for others is at 70%.
Imagine what this means for these kids' lives -- and for their communities.
The task of navigating the court system without resources or support can lead to prolonged hearings, unjust sentences, and a lack of connection to the support and resources needed to keep young people stay on the path to success after they end up engaged in the justice system. While some youth are afforded the grace to navigate adolescence, making mistakes big or small, young people from marginalized communities know that one error can lead to extreme consequences. Lifelong consequences.
Avenues for Justice has a different vision for its participants. AND DELIVERS.
See the PBS Newshour segment for an overview of AfJ. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VBPhQ1GOSo
And consider a donation as part of your holiday giving!